
STK 12.2 Release

The Sun is shining, birds are singing, and spring is in the air. And with spring comes warmer weather, blooming flowers, and, at AGI an Ansys Company, the STK 12.2 release. We’re excited to show you all the new and improved things STK has to offer. For more information about the specific features, visit the STK 12.2 web page.

New Features for STK 12.2

  • Rendezvous Proximity Operation (RPO) sequences. STK Astrogator now includes dozens of pre-configured sequences that you can insert into an MCS to support complex rendezvous and proximity operations. These sequences reflect the knowledge of decades of operational experience from RPO experts and enable operators to jump into RPO design, analysis, and operations activities with dramatically reduced spin-up time.  
  • Jupyter Notebook implementation inside STK. Now you can write Python scripts directly inside STK to automate, analyze, and extend scenarios.  
  • Expanded Python API. STK’s Python API now supports STK events and provides access to the globe and map controls. 
  • Make movies faster with parallel computing. STK now includes the option to record movies in parallel using STK Parallel Computing.   
  • Support for the latest popular video formats. The STK movie maker can produce videos using the latest format standards, including H.264 and Apple ProRes. 
  • Access to STK EOIR’s atmospheric database in STK Communications. The MODTRAN-based propagation model enables you to model laser communication links using a higher fidelity laser propagation loss model.  
  • Expanded RF metrics for STK Communications links. Select communication links based on geometric conditions and  RF metrics: maximum received isotropic power (RIP) or maximum carrier to noise ratio (C/N). 
  • (beta) The Satellite Collection object. This object — available in STK 12.2 as a beta capability — can model thousands of satellites in a single scenario entity to provide basic visualization, a minimal memory footprint, and efficient save and load operations.

Learn More

Systems Tool Kit (STK)

Modeling and simulation software for digital mission engineering and systems analysis.


Design high-fidelity spacecraft trajectories for mission planning and operations.


Model and analyze real-world dynamic RF and optical communications.