
AGI and business partners announce new milestones for COMSPOC

We at AGI, along with the founding business partners of the Commercial Space Operations Center (COMSPOCTM) such as ExoAnalytic Solutions, SRI International and Las Cumbres Observatory Global Telescope Network, are excited to announce some major new milestones that the COMSPOC has reached. For those of you who are not familiar with the COMSPOC, it is a space situational awareness (SSA) facility that fuses satellite-tracking measurements from a global network of commercial sensors that are owned and operated by our business partners. The tracking data is then used to generate High Definition Ephemeris (HiDEphTM) and other accurate SSA data products for resident space object (RSO) characterization. Since the inception of the COMSPOC just six months ago, it is now:
  • Processing data daily from over 20 optical sensor sites, three passive radio frequency (RF) interferometry sites and one radar site
  • Providing closed-loop tracking back to sites
  • Maintaining  a catalog of over 1,200 active RSOs
  • Tracking 73% of all active geostationary (GEO) satellites and 100% of all active GEO satellites over the continental U.S.

RF data processing now allows COMSPOC to do near real-time maneuver characterization and continuous
custody for active GEOs. The COMSPOC has also successfully tracked a recent space launch. Finally, the SpaceBook, a service that currently provides data including, status, orbit mission and owner information of all tracked objects, is now live. In the future, this will serve as a subscription-based portal for COMSPOC data such as health, status, event and trending information of all tracked objects. You can learn more about it at We would not have been able to accomplish these amazing milestones without the help of our business partners and we are all committed to the rapid growth of the COMSPOC. We are calling for commercial data providers, research organizations and innovative hardware developers interested in contributing to the COMSPOC and advancing SSA by providing the most accurate and robust system of integrated commercial tracking sensors in the world to join in supporting the COMSPOC mission. By expanding business partners to a broader set of organizations, AGI and its partners seek to foster an open community in which all can contribute, and all can benefit by publishing inputs and outputs in a data standard.  For more information on how you can become a COMSPOC business partner contact

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